These Terms and Conditions govern the purchase of products and services carried out on internet site belonging to Sartori Electronics.

Acceptance of general conditions of sale

1) The contract between Sartori Electronics and the Customer shall be concluded with the acceptance, even partial, by Sartori Electronics. This acceptance is automatic, unless otherwise communicated to the client. By placing an order in the manner provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase process, and accept the general conditions and payment transcribed below
2) If the customer is a consumer (ie a person who buys goods for purposes not related to his profession), once the online purchase procedure will print or save an electronic copy but keep these conditions general sale, subject to the provisions of art. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/1999 on distance selling.
3) the customer is not entitled to damages or compensation, and any contract or tort liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and / or property, caused by non-acceptance or avoidance, even partial, of an order.

Purchase methods

Prices displayed
All prices are inclusive of VAT. Are net of transportation costs and any discounts due to promotion codes. Any customs fees and customs clearance charges will be borne by the buyer.

Each order will be accompanied by a commercial invoice.

Order Confirmation
Unless otherwise stated, the order is meant confirmed by the customer at the time of purchase electronically. Sartori Electronics reserve the right to disclose within 24 hours any variations due to non-presence of the purchased item, proceeding with the procedure refund the value of the goods in accordance with the procedure more forward described.

Payment Methods

1) Paypal
You can pay by Paypal from all over the world. In this case, the customer is required to wait for our confirmation email with the exact amount of the merchandise before purchasing. In the case of payment by paypal goods will be shipped within 24 hours.

Delivery methods

Sartori Electronics accepts orders for delivery worldwide using express couriers selected according to the destination.
To find your local couriers more close look at these website owners.
If no one is at the time of delivery, the courier will leave a paper notice and you will also be sent an e-mail. The goods will remain in the subsidiary for a total of five days within which the customer is required to make arrangements for a new delivery. The courier will attempt delivery the next day. The recipient may be able to contact the reference branch of the courier ask for the goods to be retained in the branch and then make the withdrawal in person at the venue.

After 5 attempts are unsuccessful, goods will be sent back to Sartori Electronics.

For every order placed Sartori Electronics will issue an invoice sent as an annex to the packaging the order, pursuant to Article 14 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 and DL 52/2004. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the Customer. No change in the bill will be possible after the issuance thereof.

Delivery costs are charged to the customer and shown explicitly at the time of order. The payment of the goods by the customer will be using the method chosen when ordering. Nothing is due from the Customer with respect to the total order unless otherwise agreed and confirmed by the customer (eg adding products to the order).
No responsibility can be attributed to Sartori Electronics in the event of a delay in the order or delivery of the order.
Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the customer is required to check:

  • The number of packages delivered corresponds to that indicated in the accompanying document
  • The identity and quality of the products, if indicated on the packaging, correspond to those indicated on the invoice. The invoice contained in the envelope attached to the outside of one of the hills (it should be detached and retained)
  • The mismatch in the number of packages or particulars, such as the loss or damage must be immediatel reported to the carrier, the goods must be withdrawn with “if conditional” written; Once signed the Courier, the Customer shall not make any objection on the external characteristic of the delivered goods.

Return Policy

Sartori Electronics acknowledges the right of withdrawal as provided by law. The deadline to exercise this right is of 10 days within which the customer is obliged to inform us:
with letter A/R at:

Sartori Electronics
Via Paolo Giovio 30
20144 Milano (Mi)
or by fax at the number + 39 024989276

Important. In the letter in which you require to exercise the right of withdrawal is necessary to indicate details of a bank account or post office to carry out the re-crediting of the amount due (CIN code, ABI, CAB Code, Account number, account holder).
To exercise the right of withdrawal is necessary that:

  • the client expresses its intention to exercise the right of withdrawal in the manner described above
  • the item purchased is returned undamaged and in its original packaging, complete in all its parts.
  • the product is delivered on time and in the manner described above.

The costs of delivery are the responsibility of the Customer.
Once the goods arrival in our warehouse, it will be examined for any damages not caused by transport. After checking the integrity of the goods, we will re-credit the amount (excluding shipping cost) )already paid by bank transfer or PayPal to the account you indicated to our Customer Service.
Will be made no later than 30 days from the time when we will return the goods for which you want to exercise the right of withdrawal. The only costs are those borne by the Customer for the return of the product.


Sartori Electronics can not be held liable to any person for any special, indirect or consequential damages, delays, lost profits, associated with this material. The applications of each product are suggested by individual manufacturers, we do not ensure the correspondence with the original spare parts. Sartori Electronics can never be held liable for direct or indirect damage, accident, injury, injuries, deaths or anything else that occurred using the products sold on this site.

Court of Competence

The contract of sale between the customer and Sartori Electronics is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal litigation arising from the conclusion of this contract of sale at a distance, if the customer is a consumer, the territorial competence is that of the reference hole of his town of residence in all other cases, the local jurisdiction is exclusively that of the court of Milan.